Friday, June 14, 2013

May Plant Tour - Skinner Power Systems, LLC

ASM NWPA Chapter Tour of Skinner Power Systems
Jeff Skonieczki and Cindy Swindlehurst
discuss single stage, steam turbines
NWPA chapter members spent an enjoyable evening tour at Skinner Power Systems in Erie, PA on May 23.

With a rich heritage in steam that goes back to 1868, Skinner Power Systems, LLC manufacturers single-stage, steam turbines of proven design for mechanical drive and electric power generation for petrochemical, marine and other industrial services.

Skinner Power Systems Steam Turbine
Close-up of steam turbine internals
Over 20,000 turbines have been installed providing many years of operating experience driving pumps, fans, blowers, compressors, mills, electric generators and other equipment.

Our thanks to Skinner Power Systems for an informative and enjoyable evening.

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